L'va Tolstogo 6, 4th floor , office 401, Kyiv, Ukraine


06 Березня 2019

Visa D on the territory of Ukraine - already real.

  One of the main points in obtaining permits for foreigners on the territory of Ukraine is a long-term Visa D. To obtain this type of Visa, foreigners apply to the Embassy of Ukraine in the country of their citizenship or legal residence. If foreigners are already staying on the territory of Ukraine, they need to leave the country to obtain the Visa D. This entails additional costs for traveling abroad, for accommodation during the process of the visa issue - namely, 5-15 days etc. Also, in the light of practice, it is inconvenient for those foreigners who are already employed in Ukraine, fulfill their employment obligations according to their Labour Agreement, but need to be absent at their workplaces to obtain a visa.


On March 06, 2019, the Cabinet of Ministers made the key decision that long-term Visas D may be issued by the Department of Consular Services of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ukraine.

This means that if a foreigner came for an interview, got a job, the company, in turn, previously had received the work permit for this employee, the foreigner would be not obliged to travel the country of citizenship for a visa, he can get it in Ukraine. 


At the moment, it remains unclear how this decision will be applied in practice - whether additional difficulties will arise, whether additional documents will be needed to collect, how much such a visa will cost, and most importantly, whether there will be kilometer-long queues that are so typical in any changes in the Ukrainian rules .


As always - we hope for the best, prepare for realities!


Svitlana Mozharivska
Head of legal department