L'va Tolstogo 6, 4th floor , office 401, Kyiv, Ukraine


02 Березня 2017

Identification number (ID code). Who can get and for what?

An important document for the physical persons (Ukrainians, foreigners and stateless persons residing on the territory of Ukraine) is a tax card - the identification number (ID code). 
According to Ukrainian legislation, this document is a confirmation of the registration of each physical person as a tax-payer in a special State register.

The ID code is needed to regularize all tax-payers in the Unified State Register of Ukraine. The identification number consist of 10 numerals where date of birth and sex are encrypted.
The ID is essential for such cases:
- For employment (the company-employer pay taxes to the State budget in the name of each employee as a tax agent);
- For private interpreter to pay taxes;
- To open the bank accounts or to apply for a loan as the bank needs to pay taxes associated with the transaction;
- Buying / selling expensive material assets (real estate, car, etc.);
- Any other financial transactions related to the payment of taxes;
- To register of social payments.
A physical person or his legal representative can get ID code over the time of five business days by contact the regulatory authorities at the place of residence of physical person, or place of acquisition of income or location of any another fiscal authority.
The Ukrainian legislation also establishes the procedure for those people who refuse to obtain the taxpayer's card due to their religious beliefs, whereof the fiscal authority has to be informed. They need to apply to the fiscal authorities. Individuals who refused to accept the ID code use their passport number and series instead.
A person, who already has ID code, also has the right to refuse, submitting the application form to fiscal authority according at the place of registration in the prescribed form.
There are some asperities for those individuals who has not received the ID code or refused of it. It will be more difficult to register as a tax-payer, in the fiscal authorities, and in future it will be complication to get a loan, draw benefits, state aid, and salaries and pensions payments due to bureaucratic obstacles.